Is there an issue or epic that currently exists fo...
# contribute
Is there an issue or epic that currently exists for tracking adding the
pulumi state unprotect
functionality to Automation API?
👍 1
There's not @bored-oyster-3147 - please feel free to open open if you need the functionality 🙂
FWIW this should be possible by parsing the state file with
stack.export() -> unprotect whatever you want -> stack.import()
true but that's kinda messy IMO, and relies on the consumer maintaining knowledge about the shape of your state file or crawling it. I'll open an issue for it cause I think its definitely needed. How would you both like me to do that? Because I can do the dotnet implementation but probably wouldn't do the others - so should I open 2 issues, an epic and a dotnet one and PR against the dotnet one, or should I just open a dotnet one and do that?
Open one issue with 4 checklist items and make a dotnet PR and link it in the checklist and check off the dotnet item. Hopefully that makes sense.
I can do that!
Thanks @bored-oyster-3147!