Hello, I'm here and in the live chat if you have a...
# cloudengineering
Hello, I'm here and in the live chat if you have any questions 🙂
👋 2
Enjoying your recorded talk now. Just FYI, I noticed that you are manually base64-encoding your secret data (6.5 mins into the talk), but you can also use the
field and k8s will do this for you. https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/kubernetes/core/v1/secret/#stringdata_go
Cool demo, and glad to see that crd2pulumi is already making life a bit easier for you!
Ah thanks. I hadn't really used pulumi much at the time of recording, but we're looking in to using it in our e2e test infrastructure as we're going to have to spin clusters in many clouds and terraform modules are a bit restrictive