For people struggling with a monorepo containing P...
# python
For people struggling with a monorepo containing Pulumi code in Python, with Poetry as the dependency manager, I have good news: here is a working setup!
I am curious why would you want to create multiple virtual environments? I have multiple pulumi projects all using 1 venv and I can easily import the code between projects. Because from your example you have to maintain dependencies for all projects separately which can bring a lot of management overhead
@great-sunset-355 this was an investigation regarding a customer question, for which I share the results. If you are on Github, configure Dependabot to keep your dependencies fresh, so isn’t that much management overhead. A selfhosted alternative to Dependabot is Renovatebot
I see, my experience is that multiple working with multiple venvs in python results in poor developer experience because IDEs cannot load dependencies correctly. I noticed you solved that with VSCode multi-root project. I had some troubles with multi-root projects in VSCode 😕 Anyway, it is an interesting approach. Thank you for mentioning renovatebot I did not know about it, I'm actually looking for an alternative. I found this project Now I have something to compare it to.