Hi, are there best practices/example repositories ...
# general
Hi, are there best practices/example repositories on how to split the infrastructure (AWS EKS, GCP GKE, ...) and the applications (helm charts)? Thanks
Hello @echoing-postman-88590, aside the tools at hand, I picked up a lot on how to structure "stacks" in general by reading the book "Infrastructure as Code" (2nd Ed). https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/infrastructure-as-code/9781098114664/
One of the items in there is to group based on lifecycle of the resources. Things which have a different life span (e.g. service vs its database) should be put in different stacks.
Is there an example code on how to link multiple stacks?
My approach usually is as follows: I have different Pulumi projects representing different layers of infrastructure, with clear dependencies. Layers are put on top of each other and may only depend on layers below it. This is the code part. Per environment, I have to set up, I create similarly named stacks in the projects I need for that environment. So my projects could be named: • network • databases • message brokers • service A • service B while my stacks could be named: • dev • staging • production Does my explanation make sense?
In the layering, if I need info from a lower layer, I use
Yes, you named it right what I would like to have is having different layers (k8s cluster, apps, ...). But I am not sure how does the code may look like. Is there an example code for
? Thank you very much
@limited-rainbow-51650 I am following the repo above. I have the following files:
Copy code
$ tail */* 
==> company/Pulumi.yaml <==
name: stackreference-company
runtime: python
description: company
  description: A minimal AWS TypeScript Pulumi program
      description: The company name to use

==> company/__main__.py <==

import pulumi

config = pulumi.Config()
companyName = config.require("companyName")

==> department/Pulumi.yaml <==
name: stackreference-department
runtime: python
description: department
  description: A minimal AWS TypeScript Pulumi program
      description: The department name to use

==> department/__main__.py <==

import pulumi

config = pulumi.Config()
companyName = config.require("departmentName")

==> team/Pulumi.yaml <==
description: team
  description: A minimal AWS TypeScript Pulumi program
      description: The stack to reference company properties from
      description: The stack to reference department properties from
      description: The team name to use

==> team/__main__.py <==

import pulumi

config = pulumi.Config()

companyStack = pulumi.StackReference(config.require("companyStack"))
departmentStack = pulumi.StackReference(config.require("departmentStack"))
If I run:
Copy code
$ pulumi login --local
$ pulumi stack init dev
Created stack 'dev'
$ pulumi config set companyName 'ACME Widget Company'
$ pulumi up --yes
Previewing update (dev):
     Type                 Name                        Plan       
 +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack  stackreference-company-dev  create     
    + 1 to create

Updating (dev):
     Type                 Name                        Status      
 +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack  stackreference-company-dev  created     
    + 1 created

Duration: 1s
$ cd ../department
$ pulumi stack init dev
error: stack 'dev' already exists
Am I missing something? Thanks
@echoing-postman-88590 you are not missing something. However, you are using the local file system for state. There are a lot of shortcomings to the self-managed state backends still. One of these is that the project name is not part of the stack name in the state persistence. Which means, in your case, you can't have a stack named
for more than 1 project. Getting a number of these issues resolved seems to be on the roadmap for Q2-2022: https://github.com/orgs/pulumi/projects/44/views/1 The issue you are most interested in is this one: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/4605 To get around your problem, in
, you could name your stack
to not have an overlap.
👍 1