Hello, after creating a stack with automation api ...
# general
Hello, after creating a stack with automation api (PYTHON), some values are not available right away. ie im creating a stack with public IP in azure, but after the create there is no output containing the IP yet, only on the second "create" its showing up. Is there another way without running "create" again to fetch all outputs?
I don't know much about Azure provider in pulumi, but usually an output of the resource can be provided somewhere else as an input. Sometimes it is not possible when resource provider finishes it's
before a value is retrieved, but I consider it a bug.
You can do a lambda function with the reference of a function that uses rest API to retrieve the output yourself
👍 1
@astonishing-notebook-93377 what resource is this? do you have a small repro?
Its been Azure Public IP with dynamic allocation, I thought pulumi will wait till the resource is allocated and then grab the resource and its IP, but seems not. If i use a static assigned IP on that resource, it works well. So i think it will just go with static
it 100% should do that