Hi guys, I'm going to import some existing resourc...
# general
Hi guys, I'm going to import some existing resources with
pulumi import [type] [name] [id]
command. How can I get
for my resources?
If you look at the documentation of your provider, on each resource you can see an example of an import command that gives you the type of the resource.
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You can also check the SDK code. https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/blob/master/sdk/nodejs/s3/bucket.ts#L334 for example is the type for old aws providers s3 bucket resource.
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Thanks, guys. It's not obvious from the first look. Especially, if you're a newbie to Pulumi. It'd would be great to add this to
pulumi import
doc (https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/cli/pulumi_import/)
Hey @rough-oyster-77458 - if we update the docs to say “look for the Import sections in the API Docs for the type” would that help - we can also link to an example
https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-hugo/issues/1265 <- so this doesn't get lost in slack churn
hi @broad-dog-22463 Yes, it would, I guess. Later on, I found that each API doc contains the import section, but every newcomer looks at "pulumi import" command documentation first.
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We will ensure we note this - thanks for the feedback - we definitely want to make this easier to find
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thanks @echoing-dinner-19531 for creating the ticket. Is documentation open-sourced, also?
Yes, although the CLI commands are auto-generated from the pulumi --help text. So the page https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/cli/pulumi_import/ is using the content from https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/blob/master/pkg/cmd/pulumi/import.go#L306
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