Hi, I added the Pulumi GitHub App to my organisati...
# general
Hi, I added the Pulumi GitHub App to my organisation and also provided access to the
folder to Pulumi in GitHub Actions. Still I do not get a comment by the GitHub App. What could be the problem? I have a setup that does reproducible builds in containers, so there is no implicit access to the environment variables in github actions. Which ones do I have to forward?
The Github app has to be assigned to each repo or the entire org. It also has to be able to detect when a pulumi up/preview is ran as part of an action that is ran on a PR
It’s assigned to the org
How is the workflow calling pulumi preview?
It’s calling
pulumi preview --stack foo
within a container.
I am thinking the plugin isn't going to be able to detect that because it is all happening insisde a container
Why not use the pulumi action?
It’s setup using a system for reproducible builds
So all dependencies are explicitly injected
• source (only what is needed for pulumi) • build artefacts to deploy • environment variables & secrets
I’m not going to change that
This is the way to go for build systems and pulumi should adapt. In the meantime I’m asking if there is a way that I can have an explicitly configured integration
Looking at the pulumi code, I find functions like this:
This detects the environment variables of a github actions run, do you have a list what I have to set/forward to get the integration to work?
Do you have PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN configured as an environment variable? It uses the Pulumi service to get the update information.
Yes, that works fine, I get the updates in the saas
The state management needs that anyway
But in the saas backend I see the notice:
I’ll try setting the variables following the code in https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/tree/v3.27.0/sdk/go/common/util/ciutil Though I think that really should be documented.
I think getting those Github variables in the environment is necessary since that’s how things are mapped between Pulumi and SaaS. I agree this should be documented better. Can I suggest you opening an issue here: https://github.com/pulumi/service-requests (If you get it working.) If you don’t get it working open an issue about github app support for a container-based approach as you are using here: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues
I had opened an issue some time ago, but the discussion back then was around pulumi needing access to the
folder (which I also didn’t have): https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/9195