Hey guys, I’m trying to fetch an aws cert using `g...
# general
Hey guys, I’m trying to fetch an aws cert using
function on ts, and i’m using a native https.Agent, and an
as the
. For some reason when i’m trying to
it’s waiting the cert to be fetched instead of skipping it (as output functions should work), and i’m getting this error (on the image). Any help please ? Thanks guys.
(as output functions should work)
Not quite. Output functions might not run at preview time, it depends on if the inputs to the function can be known or not.
So how should I make them not run? I'm really confused about this. I thought that if the function gets an output variable the function won't run on preview.
I thought that if the function gets an output variable the function won't run on preview.
No we try to run as much as we can at preview, outputs are used to indicate that we might not be able to run it at preview time and so it will stay unknown. If you have something that you don't want to run at preview time you can use
I've been thinking we might want an overload of apply which wraps this logic together, a sort of "apply_not_preview(o, v => x)" which would just return an unknown output value at preview time, but run the apply like normal during a normal update.
Of course that's a bit hacky, and leads to some odd behaviours with other features like update plans.
A better soloution is probably easier dynamic providers, or something like https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/2700
That's really weird in some way, why would I want my preview code would be different from my up code. Doesn't Terraform know how to handle this?
Well terraform can't run general code so they don't have to worry about this problem.
you right for sure, but i’m really trying to understand how to manage my pulumi project now.
I have eks cluster, and I need some outputs from it to another resource. When i’m previewing this dependency, the preview fails as the output apply result is
. Am I doing something wrong ?
So your comment "why would I want my preview code would be different from my up code." is pretty spot on. You really don't want them to be different because that leads to mis-matches between preview and update. But you do want some operations to not happen at preview time (like obv it would be wrong to actually create a cloud resource at preview time but you still want to declare that's what you want to do with
new Resource
). Currently our method of making these "update-only" operations is to use a resource provider. But that is a bit heavy handed for just a helper method doing a http call.
When i’m previewing this dependency, the preview fails as the output apply result is
What output is this? It might be that its value really is
or it might be the unknown value tracking has a bug here.
basic as here : as you can see the issuer value is undefined during preview, which it makes sense because i’m previewing. but then my run fails as the url is undefined (line 24)
is a string why are you trying to
index it?
Also I think your hitting a very common confusion with what
x.apply(y => y
is a no-op. Its exactly the same as just
1. you right, my issue was applying the issuer[0], removed this and everything went smooth. 2. it’s truly a noop, removed this. So now I want to conclude it to myself, Pulumi does know how to handle outputs on preview ? what happens in the background of the functions when getting an output (as an input) in the preview ? If the question isn’t clear tell me and i’ll rephrase.
So see
a bit like a promise, it might have a value in it but you can't directly see that. Instead for a promise you use
to chain them together and the runtume calls each
method as the promise resolves.
are similar but we use
and we also support the concept of "unknown at preview time" where if an output is unknown because its coming from a resource operation that we won't run at preview time (like actually creating a cloud resource) then we don't run the apply function and just resolve the next part of the output chain to "unknown" as well.
great explanation. For example here, I got a
function on the issuer output, and for some reason I get :
Copy code
Calling [toString] on an [Output<T>] is not supported.

To get the value of an Output<T> as an Output<string> consider either:
1: o.apply(v => `prefix${v}suffix`)
2: pulumi.interpolate `prefix${v}suffix`
Yup that's because all toString an Output<T> can return is "Output<T>" but people use it by mistake a lot so we make the result that warning text. It's likely that in 4.0 toString will just throw an error with that text instead.
so what will be the fix here ?
Probably using
to take all those outputs and use them inside one apply to return the PolicyDocument
That’s good idea, but I forgot to share all the function. I created a PolicyDoc, and used it in order to create a Role, all inside the
, but now I want to return this Role, which I can’t because now
is an output.
assumeRolePolicy can be an
. And an
is an
so it's fine to make the policy document inside an apply. In fact
is an input as are the args for a
so you can probably just use apply to set Federated and the conditions
Hey @echoing-dinner-19531 , Thank you for your amazing help, I really appreciate it, I learned a lot about Pulumi from this thread. Do you think there's a way to implement an example for this kind of output usage ? I'm sure it'll help others.
I don't know our examples very well, might be we've already got one but yeh if we don't it's a good use case to show off.