Hey all, has anyone had any chance using `stageVar...
# general
Hey all, has anyone had any chance using
to define AWS API Gateway integrations? I have been trying to do something like this:
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new Aws.ApiGatewayV2.Integration("lambda", new Aws.ApiGatewayV2.IntegrationArgs
    ApiId = "...",
    IntegrationMethod = "POST",
    IntegrationType = "AWS_PROXY",
    IntegrationUri = "${stageVariables.apiFunc}",
    PayloadFormatVersion = "2.0",
but pulumi is complaining the
is not a proper ARN
What's weird is that I get an error only half of the time, but anyway the error looks like this:
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* error updating API Gateway v2 integration: BadRequestException: Invalid ARN specified in the request