Hi all, I see Google Cloud Native is recommended f...
# general
Hi all, I see Google Cloud Native is recommended for new projects. Does it support more resources vs the old Google Cloud Classic?
The native provider is pre-release. I would use the native provider if you specifically need a feature that's not in the classic provider, otherwise use classic.
Hi Josh, thank you. Do you have a plan when using of the native provider is recommended?
Our project is on very early stage. We have just started using our infra with Pulumi. So migrating to a native provider is a piece of cake now. Later, it will be more difficult. are there any risks now? I see "For new projects, we recommend using Google Native" in the documentation
@rough-oyster-77458 There's nothing specifically on the roadmap that I know of at this time (do not take this for a final answer - I just may not be aware), but we do want to get it there. If you're willing to submit issues as you run into problems, I say go for it.
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Thanks, Josh. I will bring my question about the release date to main channel, if you don't mind.
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Currently the official
docs say to use it for new projects? If we shouldn’t be using it for new projects can the docs please get updated?
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Hi @chilly-nest-3657 , Yes, it does. As Josh said, be ready to "submit issues as you run into problems". Yesterday I spoke to a Pulumi customer engineer and he said that it can be used in new projects. Moreover, there're some big clients already using Google Native provider. Also, issues are possible, because it is in pre-release, but he promised not too many issues. I decided to use Google native side by side with Google Classic in my project.