Is something up with the cloudflare provider? Afte...
# general
Is something up with the cloudflare provider? After working for over a year, i suddenly get the following (3.26.1 + 4.4.0 cloudflare)
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  cloudflare:index:Record (staging-upload-1-1cd4):
    error: could not validate provider configuration: 1 error occurred:
    	* invalid value for api_key (API key must only contain characters 0-9 and a-f (all lowercased))
The config is set in the automation api with these values:
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'cloudflare:accountId': {
    value: config.cloudflareAccountId,
  'cloudflare:apiKey': {
    value: config.cloudflareApiKey,
    secret: true,
  'cloudflare:email': {
    value: config.cloudflareEmail,
and config.cloudflareApiKey contains the correct key.
Is it at all possible that you are passing an apiToken for the apiKey?
nope, my global API key
So, I just ran a test on my side using local program and automation API with the automation API setting the config and things worked as expected.