I just saw <https://pulumi-community.slack.com/arc...
# general
I just saw https://pulumi-community.slack.com/archives/C84L4E3N1/p1635911681308500?thread_ts=1635911465.307800&amp;cid=C84L4E3N1 So, just to be clear, if I see a Python example online which has
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import pulumi_docker as docker
I need to follow both below two steps? Step One:
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pulumi plugin install package docker 3.1.0
Step Two:
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source venv/bin/activate
pip install pulumi_docker
It's not clear from Lee's message how the automatic thing can happen for Node/Python. He points to a Go script which I can't interpret.
@agreeable-king-2755 doing
pip install pulumi_docker
should bring in the binary
you only need to do
pulumi plugin install
in rare circumstances
the plugin acquisition happens inside the pulumi engine, it's changed quite a bit since November!
here's the
for pulumi-docker, it runs it for you: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-docker/blob/master/sdk/python/setup.py#L14-L29
ok, cheers for the reply 👍
Not sure if you're staff, but have you considered
Copy code
pulumi plugin install package docker
...and it detects that you're using Python, and does the
pip install
for you. (basically inverted from before) If not, I can open a ticket for this. It feels cleaner, as you're just using the CLI, and not any of the language-specific tools. EDIT: let's see how this goes 🙂 https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/9174
i am indeed staff 🙂 i suspect that's not the workflow we're going to go with. We want users to use the native language package managers to install all the dependencies, rather than the pulumi CLI
👍 1