I assume the "Business Critical" price is going to...
# general
I assume the "Business Critical" price is going to be higher than Enterprise? https://www.pulumi.com/blog/business-critical-launch/
I asked to be sure; here's a response from one of our folks:
Generally, yes. However, we work with teams to come up with custom pricing that suits their needs best. We also offer significant discounts for purchasing credits in bulk at this tier.
For customers still on our heritage per-seat enterprise plan, they frequently see a drop in price by moving to our new consumption pricing, especially in teams with large numbers of users.
👍 1
We ran the numbers, and we wouldn't be saving money moving from per-seat to consumption based. It's a shame, because it makes adopting Pulumi more cost prohibitive.
Hm! Mind if I pass that feedback along?
Sure thing. The discussion at my organization moved from "What other projects / groups can benefit from Pulumi?" to "Are you sure you need to use Pulumi, maybe this is a CloudFormation or Terraform job?"