Hey :wave: , thx for the new locking feature for ...
# general
Hey 👋 , thx for the new locking feature for s3 pulumi backend. I was wondering if you have any functionality to delete the lock builtin the pulumi cli?
Not currently. There is a
pulumi cancel
command that currently only works for the pulumi service backend, it's on my todo list to also make that work with the s3 backend.
Do you have any issue or MR that I can follow 🙂
https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/4605 is sort of an overall ticket for this. I'm hoping to trickle improvements in over the next few releases.
And that's now merged so this will be in the release next week
sorry, I’m trying to find more information on this, but don’t really see it. I see https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/state/#logging-into-the-aws-s3-backend … but there’s no info on locking.
I don't think it was documented anywhere. Probably the best info on it is the original PR and checking the current state of the code (https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pull/2697)
@rhythmic-branch-12845 please open an issue for this
ok. I have https://github.com/pulumi/docs/issues/7441. It’s a short description, but I take it it should be clear enough what the issue is.