Hi. How do you automatically name resources based ...
# general
Hi. How do you automatically name resources based on cloud resource type in Pulumi ?
Every resource you declare in you Pulumi program needs to be given a unique logical name (it's the first parameter of the resource constructor), this can't really be done automatically. But maybe I've misunderstood what your trying to achieve here?
I have the following code to create the naming for the resource based on the project name and stack name, which works, but I would like to improve it, so it is as automated as possible.
I'm not sure there's much more you could do currently. But this looks like it could be related to https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/1518 so I'd suggest making a comment there with what your trying to do.
@echoing-dinner-19531 Thanks I will try that
@red-scooter-62880, i just tried something using
, check out the example i posted in the slack there just below this thread. Could be useful 🤷
@gentle-account-13294 Hmm that might be usefull, I will check that out