I’m using the `aws:region` configuration to config...
# general
I’m using the
configuration to configure my stacks. A stack was deployed to
then the
was swapped to
and deployed. It got half way through and then failed. It now fails to delete any resources from either region and returns errors like:
Copy code
error reading ELBv2 Target Group [omitted] is not a valid target group ARN
Copy code
InvalidParameterException: Invalid Region in ARN
What’s the best way to reconcile this without deleting all the resources manually then force deleting the stack? Thank you!
The thing I’d try first would be
pulumi refresh
, probably with
first, and assuming that worked, then destroying and repeating with
. Have you tried that?
Sorry for the late reply! I tried pulumi refresh individually for both regions and neither worked. I think the mix of resources recorded in each region causes the “invalid ARN” error and it blocks the refresh. Perhaps this wouldn't fix it but, is there any way to ignore errors with refresh and just refresh the resources that didn't error?
I’m starting to delete the resources manually. I’ll try refreshing later and see if it works after I’ve deleted some of them.