when doing an update to an existing stack I am see...
# general
when doing an update to an existing stack I am seeing the following when updating an gateway2.Integration:
test-integ (aws:apigatewayv2:Integration)
error: aws:apigatewayv2/integration:Integration resource 'test-integ' has a problem: expected passthrough_behavior to be one of [WHEN_NO_MATCH NEVER WHEN_NO_TEMPLATES], got . Examine values at 'Integration.PassthroughBehavior'.
but initial deployment works fine. https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/aws/api-docs/apigatewayv2/integration/ describes PassthroughBehavior as only supported for WebSocket APIs but I'm creating an HTTP API. is this a bug?
Any code you can share? I spent some time with this stuff while writing https://www.pulumi.com/blog/api-gateway-to-eventbridge/ — a few examples using both V1 and V2 APIs are linked at the end of the post; might help for reference.