Hello! I want to deploy a new Deployment to an exi...
# general
Hello! I want to deploy a new Deployment to an existing Kubernetes cluster in GCP. My company has no integration with Pulumi and I wanted to introduce them to this awesome product. My doubts are: 1. Is it possible to do it? I've said Deployment but there are actually a few more resources needed in a dedicated namespace. I intended to deploy all via pulumi. 2. Is there any chance of affecting the currently deployed cluster? 3. Could you provide any documentation on how to begin this integration? I have looked into this documentation (https://www.pulumi.com/docs/guides/adopting/#coexistence) but could find anything related to GCP.
https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/gcp/how-to-guides/gcp-ts-gke-hello-world/ There’s a hello world for GKE that would probably be a good place to start
Hi @kind-room-82948, thank you for your support. I've looked into this documentation as well, however what I'm looking for is a bit more specific, since the cluster is already deployed, I just want to do a frictionless integration between this cluster and my new GKE resources.
If you’ve already got it connected via
you can probably just use the K8s provider directly passing in your kubectl context to it: https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/kubernetes/api-docs/provider/#inputs