Hey there - is there a GitLab-CI YAML provider? So...
# general
Hey there - is there a GitLab-CI YAML provider? Something like https://www.pulumi.com/learn/pulumi-fundamentals/create-docker-images/ but for GitLab pipelines development? I see https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/gitlab/ which manages GitLab resources, which is awesome; but not quite I'm looking for. I'm looking for a Pulumi-assisted way to building (dynamic?) GitLab-CI yaml pipelines. Same idea: use a high-level programming language to build pipelines instead of writing
YAML in the DSL To make my life easier, I've stumbled on: https://github.com/firecow/gitlab-ci-local - ideally I could compile a Pulumi program to generate the
and then run it locally for faster/debug-friendly dev cycles. Any alternatives?
Nothing I'm aware of
What would you expect in terms of resource types?
Jobs and Stages and the DAG? If I could parametrize and inherit jobs more easily (from other files), I think that would be more fun to code and debug CI/CD pipelines
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cool yeah, I'm definitely interested in a tool like that, just not sure if pulumi is the right abstraction
at a previous job where we were using Concourse CI (another yaml based CI system) we were generating jobs with go and the stdlib template engine... Wasn't perfect, but it was useful
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so there isn't something like this, but I would love to have something that generates YAML i used jkcfg for this in the past: https://github.com/jkcfg/jk but I'll take this back to product
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