Feature request: allow users on the Resources page...
# general
Feature request: allow users on the Resources page https://app.pulumi.com/org/project/stack/resources to refresh the Graph View without having to click back to it after refreshing.
👍 1
Thanks for the feedback! I'll happily post this up as a feature request, or you're welcome to do so at https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/new?assignees=&labels=kind%2Fenhancement&template=1-feature-request.md. We use the 👍 votes on GitHub Issues as part of the input for our public roadmap (especially as Slack is hard to maintain that kind of voting). I'll post it in a few hours if you haven't 🙂
@great-queen-39697 thank you! Apparently the issue was moved to a private repo, just FYI. When I go to it, I see:
This issue has been moved to a repository you don’t have access to.
You're welcome! I'm trying to figure out where it got moved to and how to get it back sheepish Sorry! I'll post once I get it back into the public repos
Thank you! It is not too important to me that I see the issue. It seems like maybe the feature is an easy one; so hopefully that means a dev moved it into a private repo to start on it 😆 🙂
😂 1
Oh this is maybe all a small one that is related, but also not the same feature. It would be nice if the graph took up the full width of the page. You all have such a nice graph, but I have to zoom out to see it all, or hack your CSS to make it grow to the browser window..
We 100% agree with you 😄 I can neither confirm nor deny that there might be a prototype of some UI updates that might fix that in the near future... But I'll make sure the info gets passed along!
🙌 1