I’m seeing some behavior I don’t understand with `...
# general
I’m seeing some behavior I don’t understand with
. Here is my entire Pulumi program:
Copy code
package main

import (

func main() {
	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {

		_, err := local.NewCommand(ctx, "test", &local.CommandArgs{
			Create: pulumi.String("./create.sh hello"),
			Delete: pulumi.String("./destroy.sh goodbye"),
			Environment: pulumi.StringMap{
				"foo":  pulumi.String("bar"),
		if err != nil {
			return err

		return nil
Here is `create.sh`:
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echo "hello: $1" >> /tmp/pulumi_log.txt
and `destroy.sh`:
Copy code

echo "goodbye: $1" >> /tmp/pulumi_log.txt
When I run
pulumi up
the first time, I get the
hello: …
in the log file. If I run
pulumi destroy
, I get the
goodbye: ...
in the log file. However, if I were to change the
, nothing happens, the script does not seem to execute at all (nothing gets added to the log file. Is this expected? Am I doing something wrong?
FWIW, this happens with both Pulumi 3.4.0 and 3.22.1 (the latest), no difference.
Updates are currently no ops unless there is a replacement
What constitutes a replace in this case? It seems like just updates to inputs (e.g. environment or other dependencies) won’t have any impact, so it won’t get replaced?
As defined by default just changing the name etc. would trigger a replace I believe. You could trigger the replace by adding a
replaceOnChanges: ["environment"]
option on the resource
I see. Definitely not what I expected, probably worth a quick doc note in the README 🙂
And if I have it correct, there’s no way to do an update today, correct? It’ll always be a delete/create cycle.
That is my understanding. Perhaps we need an update hook as well? Feel free to open a feature request on the repo to start that conversation if you feel like you have a good use case.
FWIW, I opened an issue on my first thing, which I’ll update with the discussion here.
I’m adding a comment with my findings/thoughts too (just saw yours too)
👍 1
Done, thank you.