I have appsettings.json files in my .net project t...
# general
I have appsettings.json files in my .net project that my project is reading from. But then I´m settings some AppSettings in code. Should I just skip the appSettings.json files completely and just have it all in Pulumi code?
Copy code
var App = new AzureNative.Web.WebApp("myapp", new AzureNative.Web.WebAppArgs
    ResourceGroupName = ResourceGroup.Apply(t => t.Name),
    Location = ResourceGroup.Apply(t => t.Location),
    ServerFarmId = AppServicePlan.Id,
    SiteConfig = new AzureNative.Web.Inputs.SiteConfigArgs
        AppSettings = {
            new AzureNative.Web.Inputs.NameValuePairArgs{
                Name = "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE",
                Value = BlazorCodeBlobEndpoint,
            new AzureNative.Web.Inputs.NameValuePairArgs{
                Name = "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT",
                Value = Deployment.Instance.StackName.ToLower(),
                new AzureNative.Web.Inputs.NameValuePairArgs{
                Name = "App:SelfUrl", //<-- So do this
                Value = MyEndpoint,
    Tags =
        { "environment", StackName },
and not in appSettings.json
Copy code
  "App": {
    "SelfUrl": "<https://me.com>",
   ... etc
And should I then get rid of every settings in appSettings.json?
You can, great example here, https://github.com/gitfool/Pulumi.Dungeon
Ok kind of lost here. Could you point me to the code part you think will help me with this?
Ok I think I got this. The AppSettings overide the appsettings.json when they are set. And I originally thought so but things didn´t work so I assumed something else had to be done. But now I see that some values are not set in the portal so something must be wrong with my code. I´ll look into this.. thank you
👍 1