I'm new to Pulumi and trying to import an Elastic ...
# general
I'm new to Pulumi and trying to import an Elastic deployment and getting multiple strange errors all similar to this and not quite sure what they mean. Anyone have any ideas on what is going on? And most importantly, what's the best way to debug issues like this?
Copy code
ec:index:Deployment (x):
    error: ec:index/deployment:Deployment resource 'x' has a problem: Value for unconfigurable attribute: Can't configure a value for "elasticsearch.0.topology.0.node_roles": its value will be decided automatically based on the result of applying this configuration.. Examine values at 'Deployment.Elasticsearch.Topology[0].NodeRoles'.
    error: ec:index/deployment:Deployment resource 'x' has a problem: Value for unconfigurable attribute: Can't configure a value for "elasticsearch.0.topology.0.instance_configuration_id": its value will be decided automatically based on the result of applying this configuration.. Examine values at 'Deployment.Elasticsearch.Topology[0].Instanc
    error: ec:index/deployment:Deployment resource 'x' has a problem: Value for unconfigurable attribute: Can't configure a value for "elasticsearch.0.topology.0.autoscaling.0.policy_override_json": its value will be decided automatically based on the result of applying this configuration.. Examine values at 'Deployment.Elasticsearch.Topology[0
    error: ec:index/deployment:Deployment resource 'x' has a problem: Value for unconfigurable attribute: Can't configure a value for "elasticsearch.0.topology.0.config": its value will be decided automatically based on the result of applying this configuration.. Examine values at 'Deployment.Elasticsearch.Topology[0].Config'.
Also created a GH issue in case that helps: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-ec/issues/14