Hey everybody, can someone help me? I'm trying to ...
# general
Hey everybody, can someone help me? I'm trying to import an exisiting Route53 HostedZone like that:
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const zone = new aws.route53.Zone(
                { name: "<http://example.com|example.com>" },
                { import: "ZoneID" }
But during deployment I always get the error that the resource does not exist
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aws:route53:Zone (www):
    error: inputs to import do not match the existing resource
What values do I need to provide to properly import the zone? thanks
I'm assuming
is set to an actual zone id like
right its actually set to an existing zone id 🙂
i'd double check your provider, make sure
aws sts get-caller-identity
returns the correct AWS account
if that doesn't work, try the
pulumi import
I deploy this in a ci/cd pipeline directly in codebuild. The pipeline is in the same account and I'm 100% sure it uses the correct credentials
I may add the import command to my buildspec but I really wanted to have this in my code
oh wait, I misread the error!
you need to actully flesh out the rest of the inputs:
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aws:route53:Zone (www):
    error: inputs to import do not match the existing resource
that indicates there's missing inputs to match your zone
the pulumi import command will help you flesh them out
ok I'll give it a try, thanks!
@billowy-army-68599 quick qustion: the docs say
pulumi import aws:route53/zone:Zone myzone Z1D633PJN98FT9
is "myzone" the domain (like example.com)?
no, it's the name you want to call the resource, like
so I still have to create the zone in my code with the name www?
otherwise how do I reference it when creating an a record or something else?
the name of the resource is just used to create the urn inside the pulumi state, it can be anything you want, including
if you prefer
and you'd reference it using the variable/constant of course