Hi I am using the Automation to create the aws EKS...
# golang
Hi I am using the Automation to create the aws EKS cluster.The pulumi code is expose as the rest interface . if we send the single request to create cluster it works fine . However when we send multiple requests to create multiple clusters on the same stack , it produces an error saying that stack is locked and cannot proceed further until the one task is complete . Is there a way where we can send multiple request in Parallel. We are using go code for performing this task
Automation api has some issues with running in parallel at the moment (https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/8186) you might be hitting a limitation due to that.
Hi @echoing-dinner-19531 Thanks for answering, Looks like I facing the same issue . Is there any work around to solve this issue .
Not currently. Automation API is overdue a re-work and fixing this will be one of the priorities when we do that. For now you'll want to use some sort of global locking (named semaphores, file locks, etc) to work around it.