Is there a better way to write json iam policies t...
# golang
Is there a better way to write json iam policies than using a bunch of []map[string]interface{}{ everywhere and pull it together with json.Marshal?
There's the structured IAM class
Look for examples of iam.GetPolicyDocument
Thanks Itay, I'll have a looksee
Oof that isn't much better. I think I'll create it manually for now and pull it using LookupInstanceProfile, and then try to figure it out later
Thanks for the pointer tho
i wrote a helper that made it a bit less painful to build policies.. end up with code like this:
Copy code
Policy: policy.New("my-policy",
                          pulumi.Sprintf("%s/*", bucketArn),
i could probably push the helper up to github if useful
that would be awesome! @important-appointment-55126
ok let me see what state that code is in and i’ll upload it.. could probably still use some love though 😉
Here is my example. I don't find this that bad?
Copy code
source, err := iam.GetPolicyDocument(ctx, &iam.GetPolicyDocumentArgs{
Statements: []iam.GetPolicyDocumentStatement{ // Allow AssumeRole - we allow to assume any role, // but that role will have to have been granted permissions // to be assumable by this role. { Actions: []string{ "sts:AssumeRole", }, Resources: []string{ "*", }, Effect: &allow, }, // Some base bucket policies { Actions: []string{ "s3:HeadBucket", }, Resources: []string{ bucketArn, }, Effect: &allow, },
not bad at all
does that only accept strings though? what happens if you want to reference resources etc that aren’t yet resolved?
Also Hi Gareth - it's been a minute 😀
I believe it does only accept strings - if you need unresolved references you'd do this inside an ApplyT, which is what I've always done.
it has indeed been a few minutes! Hope you’re doing well 🙂
yeah i wrote my little hack to avoid having to put more things inside an ApplyT in my main scripts.. tucks it out of the way instead
Understood. In my case I usually need it anyway for some other things so it works out OK.
@important-appointment-55126 this helper repo is awesome ❤️
can you DM me your email? i want to send you some swag as a thanks
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