what’s up fellas, how’s everyone holding up? wonde...
# google-cloud
what’s up fellas, how’s everyone holding up? wondering how do i get the current provider info on code but i can’t seem to find, anyone knows? i need the current GCP project i’m operating on
I was able to get that info in one of my project and it didn’t look good
let me find it
in python I was able to extract current
provider using the following snippet:
Copy code
# get config from GCP provider assigned to this resource
        gcp_provider = cast(gcp.Provider, self.get_provider("gcp::"))
        gcp_project = gcp_provider.project
        gcp_region = gcp_provider.region
        gcp_zone = gcp_provider.zone
hmmmm, seems pretty much it, let me try 👀
I don’t have access to golang env right now so I cannot test it
I guess you might have some issues if you want to execute that outside of component resource
in that case, I’d try to acquire reference to RootResource
Is the GCP project set in your stack config? If so, there is a way to get the provider's config in a straightforward fashion.
^+1 for the suggestion; I remember now that I did that the hard way in order to create a reusable ComponentResource that dynamically reads the data from its provider (and it could be set implicitly using pulumi ResourceOptions or inherited from the parent or the default one)
@orange-policeman-59119 Did you mean simply reading the config value of
module like this?
Copy code
gcp_project = pulumi.Config("gcp").get("project")
👍 1
perfect, not exactly this but it did great to get there:
Copy code
project := config.Get(ctx, "gcp:project")
thanks a ton fellas 🤩