`secret, err := secretmanager.NewSecret(ctx,` ...
# google-cloud
secret, err := secretmanager.NewSecret(ctx,
Replication: secretmanager.ReplicationArgs{},
SecretId:    pulumi.String("joebob"),
}, nil)
So I should use Classic instead of Native, you think? ok
In the docs you linked, it just wants a simple bool for Automatic. But google-native wants an AutomaticPointer, which is where I got stuck.
Ah, I see. This works:
Copy code
secret, err := secretmanager.NewSecret(ctx,
				Replication: secretmanager.ReplicationArgs{
					Automatic: secretmanager.AutomaticPtr(&secretmanager.AutomaticArgs{}),
				SecretId: pulumi.String("joebob"),
			}, nil)
Not clear on how to SET a secret's value, though.
it's SecretVersion
sorry will link when I get a few secs
oh, it's not supported in the google api yet
you'll have to fall back to gcp classic for that
I see that
Ok, thanks for clarifyig!