We’ve been having issues with empty diffs when usi...
# kubernetes
We’ve been having issues with empty diffs when using the Go SDK + kubernetes provider (I’ll post a pair of examples in the thread). Has anyone seen this before?
Copy code
~ kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment: (update)
      ~ spec: {
          ~ template: {
              ~ spec: {
                  ~ containers: [
                      ~ [0]: {
Copy code
~ kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment: (update)
      ~ spec: {
          ~ template: {
              ~ spec: {
                  ~ containers: [
                      ~ [0]: {
                              ~ env  : [
                                    [0]: <null>
                                    [20]: <null>
                                  ~ [21]: {
                                    [22]: <null>
                                  + [32]: <null>
In the first example, the deployment’s image had changed but nothing else. In the second example, an env var was added and another’s value was changed.
@hundreds-article-77945 please file an issue with a repro on the kubernetes repo
👍 1