I'm looking at provisioning a WAF/Web ACL, I'm not...
# aws
I'm looking at provisioning a WAF/Web ACL, I'm not clear how you can refer to managed rule groups like "Core rule set" to add to the web acl. Any examples?
Hi Phil, I’ve done this semi recently in my place, let me get you some examples
so i have a file called
which contains the config for the rulesets, which looks like this:
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import * as pulumi from '@pulumi/pulumi';
import * as aws from '@pulumi/aws';

Define the rule statements and then attach them to the rule objects below.

Currently we just have a base set of managed rules from AWS.
const commonRulesetStatement: wafv2.WebAclRuleStatement = {
  managedRuleGroupStatement: {
    vendorName: 'AWS',
    name: 'AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet',

const SQLiRulesetStatement: wafv2.WebAclRuleStatement = {
  managedRuleGroupStatement: {
    vendorName: 'AWS',
    name: 'AWSManagedRulesSQLiRuleSet',

const ipReputationRulesetStatement: wafv2.WebAclRuleStatement = {
  managedRuleGroupStatement: {
    vendorName: 'AWS',
    name: 'AWSManagedRulesAmazonIpReputationList',
then those rule group statements need to be used to create rules to pass in to the webacl resource:
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Define rules here, this is to make the resource definitions as tidy as possible in waf.ts
export const commonRuleSetRule = {
  name: 'common-ruleset-rule',
  priority: 1,
  statement: commonRulesetStatement,
  overrideAction: {
    none: {},
  visibilityConfig: {
    sampledRequestsEnabled: true,
    cloudwatchMetricsEnabled: true,
    metricName: 'AWS-AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet',
then in a file called
we do something like this:
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import * as aws from '@pulumi/aws';
import {
} from './wafVariables';

export const regionalWebAcl = new aws.wafv2.WebAcl('regional-web-acl', {
  defaultAction: {
    allow: {},
  description: 'A web acl containing a base set of rules',
  scope: 'REGIONAL',
  rules: [
  visibilityConfig: {
    cloudwatchMetricsEnabled: true,
    metricName: 'regional-web-acl',
    sampledRequestsEnabled: true,
  tags: {
    Name: 'regional-web-acl',
if you want to see if the rules would be triggered without actioning the request, set the
in the rule group like this :
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export const commonRuleSetRule = {
  name: 'common-ruleset-rule',
  priority: 5,
  statement: commonRulesetStatement,
  overrideAction: {
    count: {},
  visibilityConfig: {
    sampledRequestsEnabled: true,
    cloudwatchMetricsEnabled: true,
    metricName: 'AWS-AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet',
and if you need to exclude any rules from the rulegroups, you can do so like this:
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const botRulesetStatement: pulumi.Input<aws.types.input.wafv2.WebAclRuleStatement> = {
  managedRuleGroupStatement: {
    vendorName: 'AWS',
    name: 'AWSManagedRulesBotControlRuleSet',
    excludedRules: [
        name: 'SignalNonBrowserUserAgent',
        name: 'CategoryHttpLibrary',
        name: 'SignalAutomatedBrowser',
hope this helps! drop me a message if you need anything else
@victorious-church-57397 Thanks! This is very helpful. My first question is where are the different rule sets defined/documented?
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managedRuleGroupStatement: {
    vendorName: 'AWS',
    name: 'AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet',
I'm not sure how to find the different names like
and/or the different vendor rule sets.
hey @millions-umbrella-34765, I just found them on the AWS docs https://docs.aws.amazon.com/waf/latest/developerguide/aws-managed-rule-groups-list.html
Ah, I see.
yeah, thats the one 🙂
be mindful of the WCU count of the rule sets, as there is a maximum of 1500 WCU per webacl