Kinda curious what others are doing but I am wonde...
# aws
Kinda curious what others are doing but I am wondering how much you guys are using the conf file for your environments? I have a bunch of stuff in my conf file for each environment and I am thinking about pulling some of it back into the (Python) file instead. Still playing with options but curious what others are doing? I come from a heavy Terraform (tfvars) world so putting a lot of the environment-specific info in the conf file makes sense.
I've got a single shared config file and a wrapper script that always selects that config file. Then I have a code based config class, and an instance of that class for each stack. The entrypoint takes the stack name as an arg and grabs the appropriate config object at runtime
Would love to see what you are doing of you can share.
yeah, lemme do a bit of sanitization. We're using pulumi to set up multi-account workloads within an AWS account. each workload has a pipeline account, 0-n dev accounts, 0-n prod accounts. We're using control tower to create the accounts, the using pulumi to customize them doing stuff like: • creating cross account roles from the pipeline account -> environment accounts • creating workload scoped gitlab groups + repos w/ protected branches and approval rules • adding gitlab runners in the pipeline accounts which have access to the deployment roles • setting up cross account dns delegation We have a workload registry that looks like this
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class WorkloadRegistry:
    workloads: Dict[str, WorkloadConfig] = {}

    def register(workload: WorkloadConfig):
        if in WorkloadRegistry.workloads:
            raise ValueError(f"Workload '{}' already registered")
        WorkloadRegistry.workloads[] = workload

    def get(workload_name: str) -> WorkloadConfig:
        if workload_name not in WorkloadRegistry.workloads:
            raise ValueError(f"Workload '{workload_name} has not been registered")
        return WorkloadRegistry.workloads[workload_name]
Workload definitions look like this:
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class Environment:
    name: str
    """The name of the environment."""
    domains: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
    """The list of domains associated with the account."""

class WorkloadConfig:
    name: str
    """The name of the workload."""

    gitlab_notifications_slack_channel: Optional[str]
    The name of the slack channel that gitlab slack notifications should be routed to.

    Requires that @gitlab-notifications has been added to the channel.
    protected_branches: List[str]
    """The list of branches to protect for the workload."""
    projects: List[str]
    """A list of GitLab project to create for the workload."""

    admins: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
    A list of users who are privileged users within the workload to add new developers/owners.
    admin_permission_sets: List[str] = field(
        default_factory=lambda: ["xxx"]
    A list of permission sets that workload privileged users are given.
    developers: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
    A list <first name>.<last name> of developers to grant access for the workload.
    prod_environments: List[Environment] = field(
        default_factory=lambda: [Environment("production")]

    dev_environments: List[Environment] = field(
        default_factory=lambda: [Environment("development")]
And then we define the config objects and add them to the registry
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        projects=["sample-workload-app", "sample-workload-iac"],
            Environment("demo", domains=["<|>"]),
            Environment("production", domains=["<|>"]),
Wow okay let me see if I can start digesting this.
basically just a giant map of <stack-name> -> <stack-config-objects>
@freezing-van-87649 unrelated, but I am just about done with a controltower provider that will allow you to kcik off the control tower process directly from pulumi. is that of interest?
batch account creation is a pita
user experience is not great
Actually created a complete process of "vending" accounts at work. Created this before control tower was a thing but I would like to see more for sure. @billowy-army-68599
👍 1
@billowy-army-68599 are you planning on publishing the Control Tower provider?
hit a snag with it, so will be coming back to it
👍 1
Thanks - I need to set up our account structure so thought I might give it a try if it was available.
@billowy-army-68599 just following this thread. I will be curious to give that provider a try when it's ready. Planning to use pulumi to help with automatic creation/setup of multiple accounts if possible.