Good morning all. My Google-Fu is just not working...
# azure
Good morning all. My Google-Fu is just not working recently. I'm setting up a fairly simple stack where I want to set resource names based on data set in an Azure Pipeline. That data could potentially come from a YAML defined parameter, a YAML defined variable, or an Azure Pipeline variable group. Can someone point me to some documentation about how to access this data from inside the Pulumi .NET app? Do I need to run a PowerShell script to set environment variables? Does the Pulumi AZ Pipelines task provide a mechanism to do this that I've just missed? Is there a method that is considered best practice?
Have you tried You can use that to leverage pulumi config.
@future-air-70511 - It's been a crazy week or so. I only just saw this reply. Thanks for the response. For some reason, I just didn't make the mental connection between the Pulumi Config and the Pipelines. It took me about 10 minutes of reading and re-reading to make the connection, but this is exactly the bit that I needed. It's amazing how the simple stuff escapes you. Thanks!
No worries, and cheers!
aw thanks 1