Do you have plans to create a native provider for ...
# azure
Do you have plans to create a native provider for Microsoft Graph? Microsoft Graph is heavily used when working with Microsoft and Azure so it would definitively make sense for Pulumi to support it. Moreover, provisioning resources in Azure Active Directory (User, App Registration, Groups) is now done through the Microsoft Graph so it would me more appropriate to do that through a native provider instead of using the current AzureAD provider which is a bridge from Terraform Provider. When creating a stack to provision resources on Azure it is really great to use a native provider for Azure (RM) with all the advantages it brings, yet we also have to use the "old" AzureAD provider alongside.
❤️ 2
We would love this, too. In our scenario, it's lots of app registrations and similar stuff whose output is actually needed for configuring our Azure resources. Currently, we do this with a custom-written tool that writes pulumi configs, but it would be MUCH nicer to be able to do this also within Pulumi.
@tall-librarian-49374 Do you know if there are plans for this? I guess you probably have lots of other important topics, but supporting natively the Microsoft Graph API seems a must-have and especially now that it includes Azure Active Directory resource provisioning.
We don’t have any concrete plans to support Graph API. I don’t think we have an issue tracking this either. It would be useful if you could open one and describe the specific scenarios that you have in mind, what your current solutions are (if any) and why they are limited.
👍 1
@ancient-eve-13947 if you can vote on the feature request, it woud be great!
@millions-journalist-34868 done
👍 1