Hey everyone, another question about azuread: When...
# azure
Hey everyone, another question about azuread: When creating an application secret, trying to write its value to the output just gives me
Copy code
  + graphApiApplicationSecretFull : {
      + applicationObjectId: "<the-app-id>"
      + displayName        : "User Onboarding Secret"
      + endDate            : "2024-01-17T14:33:11Z"
      + id                 : "<the-pw-id>"
      + keyId              : "<the-key-id>"
      + startDate          : "2022-01-17T14:33:11Z"
      + urn                : "urn:pulumi:qa::ti-iam-tenant-auth::azuread:index/applicationPassword:ApplicationPassword::graphApiAplicationSecret"
      + value              : "[secret]"
What am I doing wrong?
Solved, just needed to read the Outputs with: pulumi stack output -s <the-stack> --show-secrets Thanks @brave-planet-10645