Hi i have a question regarding the pulumi automati...
# automation-api
Hi i have a question regarding the pulumi automation api. Is it possible to check the current projects that are associated with my pulumi account? Right now if im reading the automation api interface i only see the possbility to create a project and multiple stacks within it. The reason im asking is that im looking for a use case where a user is on multiple projects, and he would like the possibility to select his project using my custom cli that im building. But in order to select he needs a list of pulumi projects ofcourse
@proud-cricket-86351 not directly from the automation api sdk, but you can get the information from the rest api https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/service-rest-api/
Thank you!
So that basically means that from my cli i have to do a rest get call
To get the information right
If you're using automation api you can just call it with a standard http rest SDK
huh im sorry i dont understand that
What are you using automation api for?
im creating an cli on top of pulumi
Which language?
So your automation api program will have a mixture of cli code and a Pulumi program, you can just use http.request to retrieve all the information from the rest api
Aaah i understand
Thank you very much!
Also i want to mention that i’ve seen you a lot on Reddit about pulumi discussions. Keep up the good work
💜 1
Thank you ❤️
Always here to help!