Hey operators :slightly_smiling_face: I'm wonderin...
# pulumi-kubernetes-operator
Hey operators 🙂 I'm wondering if someone can help me clarify what the big advantage of using the operator is over a more traditional ci/cd approach where pulumi up is run as part of a pipeline? Is it drift detection/repair or configuration or something else that I'm totally missing? Thanks in advance!
The Operator provides a GitOps approach to CD
Which has 2 main values: 1. Continuous reconciliation and draft repair 2. Inverted control loop - you don’t need to ship credentials to other systems to deploy your apps
Thanks - the other related question would be whether or not the operator is missing anything when compared to a CI/CD flow implemented via something like Flux v2
Flux Documentation Flux is a tool for keeping Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration (like Git repositories), and automating updates to configuration when there is new code to deploy. Unless you are using something like Crossplane to deploy your Infrastructure, you cannot really compare flux to pulumi. Flux and ArgoCD are operators that sync CRDs from git repos into a cluster. Pulumi creates the cluster.
One can compare Flux to Pulumi because we have the Pulumi Operator
The benefits of the Pulumi Operator over Flux are that our CD pipelines can become “environment aware”, something that Flux really struggles with.
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