I'm looking through the Pulumi Registry and not fi...
# general
I'm looking through the Pulumi Registry and not finding any CI/CD providers. How do I go about provisioning CI/CD pipelines with Pulumi?
most ci/cd providers dont have apis for workflows, that's why
you can use aws codebuild i believe
Oof, that kind of sucks. Is AWS really the only one?
most CI/CD providers expect you to include a configuration file in the pipeline, I don't know of any that has an API
How is this usually solved? e.g. if you need to dynamically provision/tear down pipelines?
I have never seen that use case, why would you need dynamic pipelines?
I'm currently working with CDK, and my app uses multiple container-based microservices. I can provision/tear down pipelines for each container by modifying my CDK code. I can also modify the pipelines, e.g. add/remove a stage, etc, for example if I need it to deploy to multiple environments based on my config.
is that provisioning cloudformation stacks or codebuild?
The pipelines? It can be both, but I use CodeBuild to build and push container images to the repositories I need (they're dynamic, and a stage is created for each repository I need to push to, with the option to add a manual approval step to the stage if needed).
okay, you should be able to do that with Pulumi then. that feels very imperative though, and Pulumi is a desired state tool
I can with AWS, yes, but I'm surprised it's the only provider that allows this.
I don't know how I would manage without being able to dynamically handle my pipelines the same way all my other infra is managed. A single line of code changed can lead to a pipeline being provisioned or torn down, or a stage being added/removed. That's the power of having IaC be defined with real programming languages like Python. I believe Pulumi embraces this in principle.
sure. if a provider supports it, Pulumi supports it
Right. I guess I'm surprised that this isn't a common use case and that it's only supported by AWS's CodePipeline
This is not a jab at Pulumi, but rather at the status quo.
GoCD is configurable from yaml/json. https://docs.gocd.org/current/advanced_usage/pipelines_as_code.html I used to use jsonnet to spit out json blobs to feed into it for Pipelines as Code. I imagine it wouldn't be impossible to get Pulumi to do this, but I'm pretty new to pulumi so I don't know how easy it would be.
👍 1
pulumi only talks to APIs, so unless gocd has an API its not possible to interact with it
It has an api https://api.gocd.org/current/ but I guess it would need a provider, and I haven't checked out the api recently so I'm not sure as to its capabilities. But I may well revisit this when I get the round tuits to do PaC
@freezing-umbrella-5483 if you can leave AWS CI ... imagine that almost all competitive CI solutions can dynamically create stages/jobs/pipelines from just 1 file ... eg.
AWS makes this complicated because you need to deploy your pipeline to run
... it's not needed anywhere else!
It's not dynamic, though, you have to edit the file by hand. My point was to have it be dynamic via code. E.g. changing a single function parameter change leading to new container instances being spun up and a new pipeline to build the container being provisioned. This is very easy with AWS. I can definitely leave AWS CI if there's something better.