hi all, i'm using pulumi to launch more aws EC2 in...
# aws
hi all, i'm using pulumi to launch more aws EC2 instances with user data script... it will hanging at pulumi up state for more instances ... sometimes can work for more machine, sometime can only works for few machine ... and it didnt tell any error issue ... Is anyone know any issue about this?
are trying to launch more than one EC2 instance with the same configuration and same user data?
Are you using an aws session token?
@crooked-pillow-11944 i launched same config , including same instance type and different instance type with same user data file with different content.
@billowy-army-68599 i think nope. i not sure aws session token is same as the key? i use pulumi with pulumi token, aws access key and secret key.
Can you not launch any instances with Pulumi?
@crooked-pillow-11944 what does this mean? it is able to dont launch instance with pulumi.
i just wonder why it is hanging there but didnt given any error message ... is it probably due to network bandwidth?