Hi there :slightly_smiling_face:! I’m trying to us...
# golang
Hi there 🙂! I’m trying to use config.RequireObject to load configuration into my struct. When I try to run a simple integration test, it panics, as it always says I haven’t set the configuration variables (even though I see them being set in the test). Am I understanding the functionality wrong? My expectation is that when provided no namespace, it uses the default one (in my example it is
), I then provide RequireObject the key of the object I want to load from configuration (in my example
), and it should deserialise it accordingly.
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import (

type Configuration struct {
	Project string
	Ephemeral bool

type Region struct {
	LongName  string
	ShortName string

//	Pulumi.test.yaml
// 	encryptionsalt: ...........
//	config:
//  	gcp:project: my-gcp-project-name
//  	pulumi-project-name:stack:
//    		project: my-gcp-project-name
//    		region:
//      		long: us-east1-b
//      		short: US
//    		ephemeral: false

// results in error:
// panic: missing required configuration variable 'pulumi-project-name:stack'; run `pulumi config` to set

func main() {
	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
		var configuration Configuration
		cfg := config.New(ctx, "")
		cfg.RequireObject("stack", &configuration)

func TestExamples(t *testing.T) {
	cwd, _ := os.Getwd()
	integration.ProgramTest(t, &integration.ProgramTestOptions{
		Quick:       true,
		SkipRefresh: true,
		Dir:         cwd,
		Config: map[string]string{
			"gcp:project":                            "my-gcp-project-name",
			"pulumi-project-name:stack.project":      "my-gcp-project-name",
			"pulumi-project-name:stack.region.short": "US",
			"pulumi-project-name:stack.region.long":  "us-east1-b",
			"pulumi-project-name:stack.ephemeral":    "true",
Ahh figured it out on my own. Since stack is an object, its value should be a json string in the config map:
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func TestExamples(t *testing.T) {
	cwd, _ := os.Getwd()
	integration.ProgramTest(t, &integration.ProgramTestOptions{
		Quick:       true,
		SkipRefresh: true,
		Dir:         cwd,
        Config: map[string]string{
			"gcp:project": "my-gcp-project-name",
			"stack": `{
				"project": "my-gcp-project-name",
				"ephemeral": true,
				"region": {
					"short": "US",
					"long": "us-east1-b"