Is there a way to add <AccessPolicyEntry> to Azure...
# azure
Is there a way to add AccessPolicyEntry to Azure Keyvault/Vault after the initial creation? Im aware of this open issue on github, but hoping that someone has a workaround or similar:
What error do you get? You the second person that I have seen mention the issue. I just tested on my key vault and was able to add an access policy. I even modified another access policy by adding a permission. I didn't encounter any errors. Makes me think I doing something wrong. I am the the latest version of pulumi with Go.
The entity is not available in the namespace/Api, even though it is from microsoft. I'm trying to add a managed identity from an app service created right before the vault. Using c#, pulumi latest
Let me change my template and try this. I have always added the app service managed identity during creation. Never tried to bolt it on after. Thanks,
I finished my testing. I initially removed the app service access policy, so I had a "pre-deployed" key vault. I then added the app service managed identity in an access policy. I deleted everything and created the stack from blank. The stack deployed fine with the app service managed identity having an access policy. Is your app service and key vault in the same file? My projects are split into separate files and each file has a function per object. I then have one main function that executes the individual functions.