I am trying to follow along with the example <here...
# python
I am trying to follow along with the example here to create Azure Container Apps. My experience does not match with the expectation of that example. On line 24 a “type” parameter is specified, but the
doesn’t actually allow that field. Additionally, there is no setter for the “type” property, so I cannot set the value after init either. In the end, I get this error response:
Copy code
azure-native:web/v20210301:KubeEnvironment (env):
    error: Code="BadRequest" Message="KubeEnvironment is invalid.  Must specify either AksResourceID or ArcConfiguration or 'type' must be 'Managed'." Details=[{"Message":"KubeEnvironment is invalid.  Must specify either AksResourceID or ArcConfiguration or 'type' must be 'Managed'."},{"Code":"BadRequest"},{"ErrorEntity":{"Code":"BadRequest","ExtendedCode":"51021","Message":"KubeEnvironment is invalid.  Must specify either AksResourceID or ArcConfiguration or 'type' must be 'Managed'.","MessageTemplate":"{0} is invalid.  {1}","Parameters":["KubeEnvironment","Must specify either AksResourceID or ArcConfiguration or 'type' must be 'Managed'."]}}]
How can I provide this value?