:wave: I’m having some trouble with the GitHub App...
# general
👋 I’m having some trouble with the GitHub App — I’m not seeing comments posted to my PR. Is this the right place to get help with troubleshooting this?
I submitted a support request but after I submitted it I got an email saying:
This channel is limited to Pulumi Enterprise and Business Critical Edition users. If you are an open source user, Individual or Team account user, you may access our Community Support using the links below.
… it would have been better for the support request form to have made that clear up front, before I wasted my time describing the problem, attaching screenshots, etc.
This is the right place. Sorry about the support form, I'll ping internally that we could improve that.
ok great thanks!
The App seems to be installed correctly; I’m seeing the “checks” on my open PR that is running previews via the Pulumi action.
But the comments I was expecting to show up, are not. Or at least, have not, yet. It’s been 31 minutes. How can we troubleshoot this?
I’d be happy to DM the PR URL if that’d be helpful.
I don't know the github app very well. Is there anything in the action logs to suggest that it tried to post comments?
As per the docs, the “app” is something that pulumi operates, on pulumi’s servers, that’s discrete from the action that can run within a GitHub Action workflow job.
If you are using Pulumi’s GitHub Actions to preview infrastructure changes from Pull Requests, you may want to have Pulumi comment on those PRs so that you don’t need to look at the specific update logs to see if there were any changes.
There are two ways to do this: using the Pulumi GitHub App (recommended), or configuring the GitHub Actions container directly.
In my case, I tested having the Action post the comments, but I wasn’t happy with the feature, for a few different reasons. That’s why I’m trying this alternative approach, of having the App post the comments.
Since the App runs outside of GitHub Actions, on Pulumi-managed infrastructure, I have no way to access its logs.
Sure, wasn't sure if anything got posted back to github from the app. Probably need someone from the service team to comment on this, but their all US based so timezone they won't be about for a while.
Ah ok
I’m US based too! But east coast. 😉
I've pinged their internal channel, hopefully they're not overloaded and can find time to answer.
OK great, thank you!
@echoing-dinner-19531 I haven’t heard from anyone yet… any suggestions?
Try raising an issue at https://github.com/pulumi/actions I think that's the right repo for the github app, and if not someone can move it
will do, thanks!
I was thinking of maybe posting an issue to the repo service-requests, asking for some facility for debugging the App.
huh, for some reason the app is now working. 🤔 Actually soon as I opened a new PR, one that I created after the app was “installed” — it’s working for that PR. So I’m guessing that the app registers for PR creation events and then starts “following” updates to those PRs or something like that, so maybe the app only works for PRs that are opened post its “installation” — this isn’t what I expected (obviously) but I can live with it.
ah well that's useful to know for next time someone has issues 🙂 glad its working for you