hey guys - how would I go about troubleshooting a ...
# general
hey guys - how would I go about troubleshooting a failure in command.remote.Command where it fails to connect over ssh to a digitalocean droplet, while using the exported private key to manually connect works fine?
even with -v=9 I don’t see any more detailed information than:
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provider_plugin.go:1586] provider received rpc error `Unknown`: `ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain
I’ve basically copied this example: https://www.pulumi.com/blog/executing-remote-commands/ (except for what seems to be a small typo, I had to change civoSshKey.id to doSsshkey.id, might be worth fixing this in the blog post @quiet-wolf-18467)
some progress - I have found this error in the auth.log of the droplet:
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no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 [preauth]
so somehow pulumi’s ssh client is offering only these legacy key exchange methods? which the droplet’s sshd (running on ubuntu 22.04) doesn’t support - I suppose I could get around this by using cloud-init to edit the sshd config on the droplet upon creation, but I would much rather get pulumi to use a key exchange method that isn’t open to logjam attacks…
your highlight is for suppoertdHostKeyAlgos while I guess my error is related to suppoertedKexAlgos 25 lines higher up in the linked file
but there are 8 different key exchange algorithms in the array on line 46, most of which overlap with the ones accepted by the sshd in my droplet, but the sshd log seems to show pretty clearly that pulumi offered only three legacy sha1 methods
What code did you use to generate your key?
the code from the blog post:
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const sshKey = new tls.PrivateKey('sshKey', {
  algorithm: 'RSA',
  rsaBits: 4096

export const privateKey = sshKey.privateKeyPem

const doSshkey = new digitalocean.SshKey('sshKey', {
  publicKey: sshKey.publicKeyOpenssh
OK. I’ll try this with DigitalOcean and get back to you
thank you!
for completeness, here’s the droplet:
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new digitalocean.Droplet(
    size: 's-4vcpu-8gb',
    image: 'ubuntu-22-04-x64',
    region: 'fra1',
    sshKeys: [doSshkey.id]
    replaceOnChanges: ['diskImage', 'script']
Fun. I found my example from that blog and it still runs 😄
Now to play spot the difference
ubuntu version perhaps?
Yeah, it seems that way. I tried swapping out the
to identify a bug in our providers, but there isn’t one
update: I was able to get it working by switching to ED25519:
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const sshKey = new tls.PrivateKey('sshKey', {
  algorithm: 'ED25519'

export const privateKey = sshKey.privateKeyOpenssh