Hey, I am having some trouble deploying a compute@...
# general
Hey, I am having some trouble deploying a compute@edge service on Fastly. The services requires a dictionary with two items. In order to add items to a dictionary i need a dictionaryID i have the following code to get this id.
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const dict = service.dictionaries.apply(d => d?.[0].dictionaryId || '1234') // <--- This always returns undefined, so default to 1234
however because of the comment above whenever i run
pulumi up
i get the following error.
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  fastly:index:ServiceDictionaryItems (CredentialsDict):
    error: 1 error occurred:
    	* Error creating dictionary items: service 6JGsFBzFbONzfbcXDyfRP3, dictionary 1234, 400 - Bad Request:

        Title:  Bad request
        Detail: Couldn't find Dictionary '{ dictionary_id => 1234, service_id => 6JGsFBzFbONzfbcXDyfRP3 }'

  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (fastly-shell-dev):
    error: update failed
Is it possible to retrieve this ID during the deployment process? If not how can I query this after the service is deployed and still able to deploy the dictionary at the same time?
UPDATE: So the creation of the DictionaryID is only done when the resource is actually deployed and will not be available like this during
pulumi up
. I fixed this issue by using
dependsOn: [service]
when defining my dictionaryItems.
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const MyComputeService = new ServiceCompute(...)

new fastly.ServiceDictionaryItems('MyDictionary', {
    serviceId: service.id,
    dictionaryId: MyComputeService.dictionaries.apply(d => d?.[0].dictionaryId || '1234'),
    items: {
        'item1': config.require('item1').toString(),
        'item2': config.require('item2').toString()
}, {dependsOn: [MyComputeService]})