Hi everyone! I’m working on creating a GKE cluster...
# google-cloud
Hi everyone! I’m working on creating a GKE cluster on GCP, trying to be as granular as possible. However, I was only able to specify node count, machine type and master version. Is there a way to be more granular, such as specify things like max pods per pool, node pool CIDR range or cluster being zonal or regional? Thanks!!
Hi you can specify a lot of things on a
level, although some of the settings you mention are on the
level. `Cluster`: • Location (Zonal vs Regional)
• Network config (CIDR blocks) • Max pods per node • Node Count. This setting means how many nodes in each zone, so if youre using a regional cluster, you get *Node Count * (zones in region)* in total in the region • Machine Type • Preemtible nodes Of course theres a lot more settings on both available as well. Please note that the recommended way of deploying a cluster is to create a seperate managed node pool as well 🙂 You should be able to find this in the docs here • https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/gcp/api-docs/container/cluster/https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/gcp/api-docs/container/nodepool/
I’ll give that a look. Thanks!