Hi. I am an avid Pulumi enthusiast. I want to sh...
# general
Hi. I am an avid Pulumi enthusiast. I want to share a project I have been working on that I hope might find someone's interest here. It is cost estimations for Pulumi, such that you always know what your infrastructure code will cost before you deploy it to the cloud. I have built a prototype that works with a couple Azure resources, but it is still under development. If you are interested you can find out more here and sign up to my email list so I know that you find this useful, since it takes a lot of time to develop this : https://cloudcostify.app/ Thanks for your time.
🤯 3
@red-scooter-62880 this is awesome! Would you be interested in writing a blog post about this? 🙂
@red-scooter-62880, we have developed a No Code platform using pulumi for infra deployment. We are also developing some thing similar for cost estimation. Can we have a quick chat next week. I am in Boston eastern time zone.
Very cool! You should cross-post this in #built-with-pulumi
@broad-dog-22463 Thanks! That would be interesting. How do I get started?
@hallowed-horse-57635 Yes let's do that, can I DM you?
@lemon-agent-27707 Thanks!, I will do so.
@red-scooter-62880 yes. Dm me and let me know what's a convenient time for us to chat on tuesday/Wednesday.
@broad-dog-22463 I have sent you a DM regarding the blog post.
Hi @red-scooter-62880, any news regarding the beta?
Hi @numerous-spoon-56858 I am still developing the beta but I don't have an estimate of when it will be available but it will be in the near future. Thanks for registering your email so I can send you a notification when it launches. How do you intend to use the product? Which cloud resources do you need cost estimation for and which ci cd tool do you use?
Hi @red-scooter-62880, just registered to get a notification. Looking forward to test your service!
Hi @many-telephone-49025 Thanks. I have open sourced the project and currently I am preparing a code migration. https://github.com/Cloudcostify/pulumi-cost-estimation-cli
Awesome @red-scooter-62880! Can't wait to use it!