I grabbed some setup from `pulumi-kubernetes` for ...
# contribute
I grabbed some setup from
for OpenAPI to Pulumi schema generation. Can someone from the dev team shed some light on what
pulumictl get version
exactly does to determine a version? This command doesn’t work for me, given I’m bootstrapping a new native provider and don’t have any commits nor tags yet in that repo.
I’d expect it to return 0.0.0 but maybe that doesn’t work https://github.com/pulumi/pulumictl/blob/master/pkg/gitversion/gitversion.go#L265
It doesn’t work. This is my output:
Copy code
$ pulumictl get version
Error: error calculating version: getting language versions: error resolving commitish to reference: reference not found
  pulumictl get version [flags]

  -h, --help                    help for version
      --is-prerelease           whether this is a pre-release version
  -p, --language string         the platform for which the version should be output.
  -o, --omit-commit-hash        whether to include or omit the commit hash in the version
  -r, --repo string             path to repository, defaults to current working directory
      --tag-pattern string      regex pattern to filter tags with (e.g. ^sdk/)
      --version-prefix string   the version prefix (e.g. 3.0.0). Must be valid semver.

Global Flags:
  -D, --debug          enable debug logging
  -t, --token string   a github token to use for making API calls to GitHub.

error calculating version: getting language versions: error resolving commitish to reference: reference not found%
😞 1