:wave: quick q for yall - we’re using the helm.v3 ...
# kubernetes
👋 quick q for yall - we’re using the helm.v3 construct, but the chart we’re consuming wraps an entire resource template with:
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if (.Capabilities.APIVersions.Has <some-api-resource-version>)
which always fails, bc apparently this check returns false. is there a known way for pulumi-k8s operators to work around this, specifically around hydrating
? https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/issues/196
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I have been having no end of trouble with the helm capabilities detection in various areas. Gitops, Pulumi, etc. The comment on that issue about being able to pass --api-versions would probably do the trick, but that's super annoying to maintain too
yeah……i feel that pain. i guess bc helm is, in itself, a way to manage these resources programmatically + comprehensively
Suddenly missing my nod emoji
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