Not sure how I got into this state, or what's trig...
# general
Not sure how I got into this state, or what's triggering it. Any tips?
Copy code
k: await serialize_property(
      File "/home/a/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/nocap-api-tm7b1NnF-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pulumi/runtime/", line 450, in serialize_property
        raise ValueError(f"unexpected input of type {type(value).__name__}")
    ValueError: unexpected input of type tuple
This is alongside a hojillion asyncio errors.
Backtracking changes, I see that it happens when I try to pass
Copy code
api_resources = (
            "cpu": config.get("resources.cpu") or "1",
            "memory": config.get("resources.memory") or "1Gi",
into GCP's Cloud Run container.
Ah. And that's my tuple, there--
was autoformatting on save to add the parens.