```kubernetes:core/v1:Namespace 8d4a3669-8adb-412e...
# automation-api
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kubernetes:core/v1:Namespace 8d4a3669-8adb-412e-8498-17a30d0bce76 creating error: configured Kubernetes cluster is unreachable: unable to load schema information from the API server: Get "<https://XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.gr7.us-west-1.eks.amazonaws.com/openapi/v2?timeout=32s>": getting credentials: exec: executable aws not found
the EKS provider requires the aws cli
Does it also require kubectl?
Looks like it doesn’t! Thanks for answering this!
@billowy-army-68599 One more quick question - what permission does Automation API assume to run the commands? I’m getting this error when I try to create a namespace in Kubernetes cluster
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kubernetes:core/v1:Namespace 8d4a3669-8adb-412e-8498-17a30d0bce76 creating error: resource 8d4a3669-8adb-412e-8498-17a30d0bce76 was not successfully created by the Kubernetes API server : namespaces is forbidden: User "system:node:ip-10-0-202-254.us-west-1.compute.internal" cannot create resource "namespaces" in API group "" at the cluster scope
But not sure where that “User” is coming from and where I can change the permissions?